Check this out if you have any military brats :)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Top 6 Ways To Save Money on Food During a PCS Move
Monday, November 28, 2011
Which ''facebooker'' are you?
1) The "Lurker" - Never posts anything or comments on your post, but reads everything, and might make reference to your status if they see you in public.
2) The "Hyena" - Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs at everything. 3) "Mr/Ms Popular" - Has 4367 friends for no reason.
4) The "Gamer" - Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual cakes and... shit, etc., ALL DAY.
5) The "Prophet" - Every post makes reference to God or Jesus.
6) The "Thief" - Steals status updates...and will probably steal this one.
7) The "Cynic" - Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates.
8) The "Collector" - Never posts anything either, but joins every group, and becomes fans of the most random shit.
9) The "Promoter" - Always sends event invitations to things that you ultimately delete or ignore.
10) The "Liker" - Never actually says anything, buy always clicks the "like" button.
11) The "Hater" - Every post revolves around someone hating on them, and they swear people are trying to ruin their life.
12) The "Anti-Proofreader" - This person would benefit greatly from Spellcheck, and sometimes you feel bad for them because you don't know if they were typing fast, or really cant spell.
13) "Drama Queen/King" - This person always posts stuff like "I can't believe this!", or "They gonna make me snap today!", in the hopes that you will ask what happened, or what's wrong...but then they never finish telling the story.
14) "Womp Womp" - This person consistently tries to be funny...but never is.
15) The "News" - Always updates you on what they are doing and who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary.
16) The "Rooster" - Feels that it is their job to tell Facebook "Good Morning" every day...
17) The "Sandman" - Feels it is necessary to tell everyone "Goodnight" every night. So ... WHICH ONE ARE YOU?
2) The "Hyena" - Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs at everything. 3) "Mr/Ms Popular" - Has 4367 friends for no reason.
4) The "Gamer" - Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual cakes and... shit, etc., ALL DAY.
5) The "Prophet" - Every post makes reference to God or Jesus.
6) The "Thief" - Steals status updates...and will probably steal this one.
7) The "Cynic" - Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates.
8) The "Collector" - Never posts anything either, but joins every group, and becomes fans of the most random shit.
9) The "Promoter" - Always sends event invitations to things that you ultimately delete or ignore.
10) The "Liker" - Never actually says anything, buy always clicks the "like" button.
11) The "Hater" - Every post revolves around someone hating on them, and they swear people are trying to ruin their life.
12) The "Anti-Proofreader" - This person would benefit greatly from Spellcheck, and sometimes you feel bad for them because you don't know if they were typing fast, or really cant spell.
13) "Drama Queen/King" - This person always posts stuff like "I can't believe this!", or "They gonna make me snap today!", in the hopes that you will ask what happened, or what's wrong...but then they never finish telling the story.
14) "Womp Womp" - This person consistently tries to be funny...but never is.
15) The "News" - Always updates you on what they are doing and who they are doing it with, no matter how arbitrary.
16) The "Rooster" - Feels that it is their job to tell Facebook "Good Morning" every day...
17) The "Sandman" - Feels it is necessary to tell everyone "Goodnight" every night. So ... WHICH ONE ARE YOU?
Jessica Simpson News - Pregnant Jessica Simpson Gets Her Shop On in NYC (PHOTOS) - Celebuzz
Jessica Simpson News - Pregnant Jessica Simpson Gets Her Shop On in NYC (PHOTOS) - Celebuzz
I have always liked Jessica Simpson; I wonder if she is having a boy or girl?
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Tips to get through a deployment
...Don't you hate when someone says "Oh; the time will go by so fast," or "A year deployment will be over before you know it..." And it's always from non-military spouses/gfs. I totally understand they are only trying to give you some comfort and maybe do not know the right words to say. That is totally fine; it's hard to ever understand unless you live through it. I will be honest and say I do not think the time goes by seems to go by even slower the better you and your soldier are getting along because it makes you miss each other more. It seems like everything that can go wrong will when he's take your phone to the bathroom with you; because the one time you do not, you miss his weekly phone call or his random phone call you miss so much all day. You find yourself wondering if he's missing you or getting upset when you go in pubic and see happy couples; because that could be you having a blast with your loved one. I do not think it ever gets easier; however I've learned being negative and not very productive will not bring my husband home faster so I've found things to help! Here are my tips on what I do to make things easier during a deployment.
- I would first recommend starting your own home based business. Why? Because you can earn money and owning a business is great for self esteem, personal growth, meeting new people and staying busy. My favorite perk? You also will be your own boss; probably won't ever have to miss your soldier's phone calls,ask for time off during his R&R and so on! It is so nice not ever having to ask for time off to spend when he will get back from deployment,either! Here are some great work at home opportunities: & Other ideas would be having a home daycare or maybe even something like coaching a sport you once did in highschool or volunteering at the local animal shelter...anything to stay busy!
- If you are not interested in starting a business; get a job at a military-frendly company; such as Kelly Service or Home Depot. Home Depot is awesome because they even allow you time for your soldier's R&R. How cool is that? A company that actually appreciates our lifestyle!
- Join a gym! Usually the ymca lets deployed spouses go to the gym free if your spouse is active duty of course; the only catch to the ymca in my area was that you need to attend the gym at least 8 times a month. The bases also are great places to work out and usually always for free if you are a spouse. You could also join women's only gyms. If you hate working out; try doing fitness classes like yoga! More than likely your soldier will be working out a lot overseas since they do not have much else to do...and wouldn't it be nice to both have smoking hot bodies after deployment? :)
- Be active in your soldier's FRG. If you are a spouse, and sometimes girlfriends are allowed; see if your FRG has a facebook page or newsletter.Stay up to date and attend the meetings. You may not like the group but at least you would be doing your best to still support your soldier. Who knows?You may even meet another woman who can be a deployment buddy for you! Make sure you are mature with the FRG; never get caught up in gossip or drama. Remember you are there for more resources and to support your soldier and to get additional support. I hear many ladies have bad experiences with FRG, but it is probably due to lots of drama. Do not expect the FRG to be your sole support system; those ladies are 99% of the time other deployed spouses anyhow so often they do not have much time to offer tons of support but they usually will organize monthly newsletters, meetings, etc. I notice some spouses are way too dependent on the FRG; don't be one of those ladies.
- Find what you are good at! Any hobbies? Any crafts? You do have a life besides your soldier and use that to your advantage during this lonely and difficult time. Perhaps you always loved to sew or maybe you love to read! Keep a list handy of things you love to do and read over them when you feel lonely or bored
- Don't forget your girlfriends! Now; I'm not saying to go out nightly and drink your pain away, but a night out with my girlfriends are always an instant way to make me happy. At least once a month or even once every 2 weeks have a girls night. Whether its dinner and a movie; or cocktails at your favorite bar. I do not think it's bad to go to bars without your spouse; he is gone and should want you to have a life. If you do not have trust at a bar; he should not trust you to wait for him...just my opinion. Anyhow, adult interaction with your girlfriends is perfectly fine but I always say be respectful to your soldier and have a two drink maximum. Do not be the sloppy drunk married chick. If you want to drink more; stay home and just invite your girls over for a wine night or maybe you all can cook together and drink together. Do not go out and get drunk without your husband there; I think it would make any person feel quite uncomfortable...just my opinion!
- Toys. Toys. Toys. Need I say more? Tell her D'Avia sent you! Click here
- Pre-Deployment Checklist---Use it. My Pre-Deployment Checklist Trust me; things will go wrong during the deployment....maybe your car won't start one morning or the dishwasher just mysteriously stops working...calm down. Things happen. Make sure you do check all you can before deployment however; such as things like the smoke detector, getting your oil changed on your car...prevent as much damage as you can and really let your family, friends,etc. help if they offer it. Of course do not use them or over due it but if they want to watch the children for a few hours so you can have alone time or go workout; let them. Too many ladies say they get zero support; but yet they have too much pride to know when people are being kind.
army wife,
army wives,
dealing with deployment,
military families,
military girls,
military spouses,
military wife,
tips to get through deployment
Tips for a successful R&R
Aren't those days exciting the closer and closer it gets to spending a small amount of time with your honey; for your "break" during their deployment? It's not much of a break; but to us it means the world. Being a military spouse is one of the hardest jobs I believe; we look forward to things like this so much...we are used to sleeping alone and getting quick 5 minute phone calls. We cringe everytime there's a knock at the door; the mail man is our best friend...but before I start rambling I'd like to share my tips on how to make the best out of your significant other's R&R! First; don't be upset if he uses a lot of the time to catch up on rest. More than likely he's traveled a ton to get back to you and remember...they work 16 hour days most of the time...they don't have "weekends." Respect this is their break time and they may want to use it to catch up on a ton of rest; they work very hard. I know we probably sit at home or have normal jobs while they put their lives on the line...but your soldier deserves some rest too! It does not mean he/she loves you any less.
* Schedule a photoshoot! is a wonderful organization that does free photoshoots for military; I believe they must be active duty; but take advantage of this. Memories are very important and you can use the photos for your home, for photo albums, facebook, holiday cards and more. My then fiance and I did these a few days before we got married and they mean a lot to me...someone took the time to give us free photos and of course I get to look at them whenever I'm lonely!
*Do a couple's massage...spoil your soldier. They work hard for us. This also falls under the super romantic category.
*If you live together; decorate for his arrival...if you are meeting him at a hotel; you can still decorate the hotel. This is wonderful company in which you can get free welcome home banners custom made for your soldier; you just pay for the shipping. Not sure how long that great deal will last; but you can also use banners; they are affordable...or you can make your own. Something that says Welcome Home or just anything you wish to put to show your soldier you are excited they are home for even a short amount of time...until the next "see you later." Maybe add a cake, his fave food waiting on him and balloons. You do not have to go all out; but just a little something will be fun, don't forget to add a card!
* A counseling session....even if you have the most perfect relationship; I think this is an amazing thing to do for yourselves. This will help you just release emotions and communicate! Also; going to church will be something very nice to do; to just have a spiritual bond with your partner. If you are not religious; still consider the counseling session to just work on maintaining healthy emotions and communication for the rest of your relationship and/or deployment
* Create a memory! What have you all never done together? Have you never went to a certain aquarium you've always thought about visiting? Ever rode a hot air balloon? How about rock climbing? Whatever it may be; why not do something new together! Make the most out of it!
* Plan at least one family night and one friends night! Fun things to do are dinners, amusement parks,etc. Remember there are other people missing your soldier as well! Share your soldier with other people who love and support him.
* What are his favorite colors? Get some super sexy lingerie in the color for the occassion? Have a video camera? Don't be shy...use it!
* Do nor argue! Sure; your soldier may just irritate or annoy you in the little time he's back home for a bit; but do not sweat the small stuff during this will regret it as soon as he's gone again.
* There's life besides you...what does this mean? Do not become angry if he does use some time for his/her friends and you may just feel left out. Why? The wives are the ones alone....for months and months...sometimes with the kids...we lose our minds a few times...we wait and wait for these day...and they want to not spend all their time with us? Yeah; it bites. But realize it's not healthy for your soldier to only consume their lives with you; allow them to spend time with friends or even if it's on that annoying Xbox of theirs. Don't feel left out if they use some time for themselves...
* Do not spend all of your time with everyone else...what do I mean by this? Save some alone time. Do not think that your family member's have to be around nonstop; or your soldier's family member and friends have to be around 24/7. Sure; they miss him too and he misses them...but it's the two of you who have suffered enough; do not spend all of your time with everyone else. That may be hard for them to understand; especially their family but the couple should come first; especially when you are married. Save a few nights to do family outings; maybe a dinner or game night...then maybe have a night where you get all the friends together for a night on the town. Save the first and last night just for you two at least! I had a friend that hung out with me and my then; husband; a night before one of his trainings for his deployment and I always regret it. I cherish every day we get together and I feel like I would have rather just had that night for just the two of us. He was gone for two months and we should've had more alone time. Lessons learned :)
* Schedule a photoshoot! is a wonderful organization that does free photoshoots for military; I believe they must be active duty; but take advantage of this. Memories are very important and you can use the photos for your home, for photo albums, facebook, holiday cards and more. My then fiance and I did these a few days before we got married and they mean a lot to me...someone took the time to give us free photos and of course I get to look at them whenever I'm lonely!
*Do a couple's massage...spoil your soldier. They work hard for us. This also falls under the super romantic category.
*If you live together; decorate for his arrival...if you are meeting him at a hotel; you can still decorate the hotel. This is wonderful company in which you can get free welcome home banners custom made for your soldier; you just pay for the shipping. Not sure how long that great deal will last; but you can also use banners; they are affordable...or you can make your own. Something that says Welcome Home or just anything you wish to put to show your soldier you are excited they are home for even a short amount of time...until the next "see you later." Maybe add a cake, his fave food waiting on him and balloons. You do not have to go all out; but just a little something will be fun, don't forget to add a card!
* A counseling session....even if you have the most perfect relationship; I think this is an amazing thing to do for yourselves. This will help you just release emotions and communicate! Also; going to church will be something very nice to do; to just have a spiritual bond with your partner. If you are not religious; still consider the counseling session to just work on maintaining healthy emotions and communication for the rest of your relationship and/or deployment
* Create a memory! What have you all never done together? Have you never went to a certain aquarium you've always thought about visiting? Ever rode a hot air balloon? How about rock climbing? Whatever it may be; why not do something new together! Make the most out of it!
* Plan at least one family night and one friends night! Fun things to do are dinners, amusement parks,etc. Remember there are other people missing your soldier as well! Share your soldier with other people who love and support him.
* What are his favorite colors? Get some super sexy lingerie in the color for the occassion? Have a video camera? Don't be shy...use it!
* Do nor argue! Sure; your soldier may just irritate or annoy you in the little time he's back home for a bit; but do not sweat the small stuff during this will regret it as soon as he's gone again.
* There's life besides you...what does this mean? Do not become angry if he does use some time for his/her friends and you may just feel left out. Why? The wives are the ones alone....for months and months...sometimes with the kids...we lose our minds a few times...we wait and wait for these day...and they want to not spend all their time with us? Yeah; it bites. But realize it's not healthy for your soldier to only consume their lives with you; allow them to spend time with friends or even if it's on that annoying Xbox of theirs. Don't feel left out if they use some time for themselves...
* Do not spend all of your time with everyone else...what do I mean by this? Save some alone time. Do not think that your family member's have to be around nonstop; or your soldier's family member and friends have to be around 24/7. Sure; they miss him too and he misses them...but it's the two of you who have suffered enough; do not spend all of your time with everyone else. That may be hard for them to understand; especially their family but the couple should come first; especially when you are married. Save a few nights to do family outings; maybe a dinner or game night...then maybe have a night where you get all the friends together for a night on the town. Save the first and last night just for you two at least! I had a friend that hung out with me and my then; husband; a night before one of his trainings for his deployment and I always regret it. I cherish every day we get together and I feel like I would have rather just had that night for just the two of us. He was gone for two months and we should've had more alone time. Lessons learned :)
miliary girls,
military family,
military spouse,
military spouse resources,
military spouses,
military wife,
military wives,
R and R
Here are people that are saving money with AmeriPlan
Want to know what AmeriPlan® members are saying about the AmeriPlan® program? Here are people who are saving money with us!
AmeriPlan® members share their own experiences...
“ I wanted to write and tell you about the wonderful experience I had using Ameriplan Health. This was my first opportunity to use it. I needed some lab work done and called the number for a lab provider. They transferred me to Medstat-Ameriplan Health where I was fortunate to talk to a rep named Chris Nall. He explained the process to me in detail. I told him all the tests I needed and he gave me the prices for each one. Without Ameriplan Health I would have paid $547, with it I only paid $132, a savings of $415!! Not only that but he faxed over all information to the lab, gave me instructions to fast and provided me with a location only a few miles from my house. The whole process went very smoothly. My belief in this product has soared. ”
Amber M. – Plano, TX
“ My wife was admitted to the hospital for sixteen days. By the time she was discharged she had incurred over $33,000 in bills from six different medical providers. Still unable to return to her job as a dance instructor, she had no way of paying any of the medical providers she was receiving bills from. The Karis Group was able to help her apply for an assistance program that covered the entire $27,000 hospital bill. The Karis Group then contacted the other medical providers that were involved. Several of the other providers agreed to write off the bills entirely. When the Karis Group was done the total outstanding charges were less than $2,300. My wife was set up on a long-term payment plan on the remaining balance. Total saving - over $30,000. ”
Robert H. – Houston, TX
“ My existing insurance would not cover my annual physical examination nor would it cover any of the necessary lab work. I needed a total of 7 tests for which the cost was going to be $948.00. I forwarded the required tests to Medstat and over the phone they quoted me $297.00. I paid it with my credit card, they faxed me the form I needed to carry to the lab after setting the appointment, my wait was less than 20 minutes! The lab sent the reports to Medstat, they faxed them to me and my doctor and I was thrilled! That was a savings of $651.00! ”
Fred G. – Duncan, SC
“ Because someone has dental insurance does not mean they are fully covered. My boys had just gotten their 2nd cleaning for the year when we found out our 4-year-old had 2 cavities. They asked me to bring him back and my copay would be $24.00 to cover the visit. While drilling they noticed 2 more cavities forming behind the original 2... So, we said go ahead and fix those as well. I'm thinking to myself since it was $24.00 for 2 cavities I'll just have to pay $48.00 total. No biggie! After we are done I went to the front desk to pay and I was given a total of $313.50!!!! Turns out he had exceeded his $500.00 yearly limit on our dental insurance, after his 2nd filled cavity. I asked the front desk to give me a price with my AmeriPlan card on the 2 cavities not covered. She said they had already given me the discount that the insurance gives AFTER maximum has been met! I asked her to humor me and give me my AmeriPlan price! So, she did and it turned out I ONLY paid $200.50 vs the $313.50! I saved $113.50 by using our AmeriPlan card at a Pediatric Dentist that says they only give us a 20% discount! My discount was more than that! ”
Susan G. – Peyton, CO
“ In 2004, I was quoted 945.00 for a root canal that I desperately needed. My h usband was between jobs and I was a full-time mom, so I really could not afford that! I "google-searched" discounted dental plans and found Ameriplan! I signed up, got my card and went in to my dentist to see what the discount would be! Instead of 945.00, I paid 375.00!!!!! I was thrilled! I wound up needing two more root canals, had some cavities filled and ended up saving 2,200.00 on my dental work in 2004!!! Thank you, Ameriplan! I now have a great smile with healthy teeth and it didn't break our bank account! Because I experienced first hand how good our benefits are, I joined the company as an IBO and am now a full time mom and ESD with Ameriplan, who hit the $25,000 Presidents Club this past November! Life is good and we now have additional income as well as affordable health care! ”
Theresa D. – Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
“ I have really good dental insurance with the military. However, in December of 2006 I went in for a 2nd opinion. I already had 2 dental cleanings for the year. So, I wasn't sure how much the insurance would cover. I made sure to go to a provider that was in-network for my insurance and also an Ameriplan provider. I was given a brief oral exam and bite-wing x-rays. The bill would have been $90 and my insurance was willing to pay $20 of that. Then, I called the dental office and reminded them that they had my Ameriplan card on file as well. They took the bill back up to $90, took off the Ameriplan discount and then my $20 from the insurance and my bill went from $90 to $40. I was THRILLED! Who wants to pay an extra $30 when you can save with Ameriplan! ”
Laura C. – Bayport, MN
“In the first six months that I had AmeriPlan® I saved $225.00 using the dental benefits and $335.00 on my eye exam and glasses. Within another six months I had also saved another $221.00 on prescriptions.”
Jen S. – Conifer, CO
“ I went to a Lens Crafters for my eye exam and saved $20.00 on the exam alone. I then purchased some new glasses that are name brand. I am about blind as a bat and need to have my lenses thinned so I don't look like I'm wearing coke bottles! My lenses normally run $240.00 for the lenses ONLY and my new frames normally cost $162.00. My new glasses came out to $402.00 and then I handed them my AmeriPlan Card through Coast to Coast Vision. She gave me my new total of ONLY $219.00. My frames went from $162.00 down to $96.00 and my lenses went from $240.00 to $123.00. I saved a total of $183.00 on my frames and lenses by using AmeriPlan. That came out to be a 45% savings on my new glasses. ”
Susan G. – Peyton, CO
“ We have been using our Ameriplan prescription benefit a lot lately and have been saving a lot! My husband received a prescription from our Dr. that he takes on a monthly basis. We were so pleased when we gave the script to our pharmacist and she said this will be $120.00 but with your discount thru Medco you will only be paying $44.00! A savings of $76 a month. Thank You Ameriplan!! My daughter went to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned which only was $47.00. She was REALLY smiling big after that!! ”
Tammy R. – Royal Oak, MI
“I saved $20.00 on my chiropractic visit, $82.00 on my glasses, 30% on my contacts, and $7.00 on some cough medicine. I cannot brag on AmeriPlan® enough. ”
Donna O. – Douglas, GA
“ I just wanted to thank you again for the Chiropractor referral. My husband and I have both started seeing Dr. Minshew-Shurr, and she is the most amazing doctor! She has been able to definitively find the cause of my back pain and headaches (that I have had for years!) and diagnose my husband as well. We are just thrilled with her treatment and kind attention to our personal cases.
I appreciate your help in connecting us with her. It has made such a difference and I a m just amazed at the way God leads us in this life to find just what we need at just the right time. I just randomly picked up your number off of the flyer at my apartment and through you and Ameriplan have found a great dentist and chiropractor. ”
Hillary S. – Dallas, TX
It makes perfect sense to add AmeriPlan® to your life. If you would like to know how much you can save... give me a call now and we can go over all the details. Feel free to visit my website for information as well at:
It makes perfect sense to add AmeriPlan® to your life. If you would like to know how much you can save... give me a call now and we can go over all the details. Feel free to visit my website for information as well at:
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Warm Regards,
D'Avia Newman
Toll Free: 18667398411
affordable healthcare,
health benefits,
health care,
Save money
A new show to add to your list
Anyone see this promo picture for T.I. and his business savvy wife Tiny's new show? I had no idea they had this many children; but I'm sure they are a blended family. Super cute picture but they have got to have nannies I'm sure; this must be a very busy household! Anyhow; I will be tuning in...I think T.I. is the only cute rapper out honestly and It would be interesting to see how they juggle so many children and two seperate careers. I really like how this couple is still together after going through a lot; I hope they discuss those allegation of 2 things I am curious to hear about as being a jail sexual time...and one was a drug allegation of the couple. I'd like to see what happens...of course what you read and hear is not always true. I doubt they will discuss that...but I love reality TV;so this will be super fun to add to the mix. Could you imagine being a famous rapper's kid? They probably have beamers by the time they are in junior high! This will air on VH1; Dec 5...mark your calendars! Regardless of what anyone thinks; I think it's awesome they are one of the few long-lasting couples in Hollywood.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Catalog I am in
Checked the mail today and I'm in a catalog! I shot this over the summer and the catalog is released today; super cool. I was excited to see it; I took some pics with my webcam to send over to my husband. Can't wait to show him in person!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Pre-Deployment Checklist
Here is a large deployment checklist; however during my husband's deployment all i've ever needed was a POA (power of attorney), a copy of his orders, his social security number, his address of where he would be and my military ID. Many places would ask for his social; such as when I went to use TriCare and so on. Make sure you have all of the above AT LEAST; because you never know when you may need it for bills or emergencies. I also suggest having his Family Readiness Group's information on hand in case you'd like to be involved in the meetings or annoucements they may have. Most will even have an online group such as on facebook or twitter you can stay involved in. Many FRG's are amazing support systems when your loved one is deployed and the best thing abut these groups; are they are not limited to just spouses in most cases, you will find parents, grandparents in more. Not all FRG's are very active; but you want to have their information on hand just in case you have a question and can not get in touch with your deployed spouse or significant other. Keep in mind you may not hear from him/her for days or weeks in some cases so you want to be prepared. This is a very extensive check list but better safe than sorry and you can take care of little as a time before deployment actually starts. It seems like everything that went wrong; went wrong while my husband has been away, such as things with my car or at the apartments I lived in. One day the air conditioner stopped working; my battery went dead in my never get a break in some cases :)
Family Checklist For Deployment
1. Do you know your Ombudsman's/FRG Leaders name and phone number?
2. Do you know your spouse's Social Security number?
3. Are you and your children registered in DEERS?
4. Is the emergency data page in his/her service record current and correct?
5. Is your ID card about to expire? Have you arranged for paperwork for an ID card for any child who will turn 10 years of age before the service member's return?
6. Do you understand the use of medical facilities and TRICARE.
7. Do you understand what the Ombudsman, FRG Leader, Fleet and Family Support Center, Red Cross, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and Chaplains can do for you and how and when to contact them?
8. Do you have emergency contact numbers posted for quick reference?
9. Have children been included in discussion on where the parent is going, when he/she is coming home and why he/she is leaving?
10. Have you reached an agreementon frequency of letter writing or communication? Do you know your spouse's complete deployed address or email address?
11. Do you, your parents and your in-laws know how to reach you and your spouse in case of an emergency?
12. Have you discussed your feelings on the deployment and your spouse's return?
13. Have you discussed your spouse's feelings on the deployment and his/her return?
14. Have you prepared a comprehensive budget and have you agreed on how much each will spend?
15. Do you have an adequate allotment? Will it cover rent, utilities, grocery needs, bills and other expenditures?
16. Are checking and savings accounts in good order?
17. Are plans made for filing taxes?
18. Have you discussed a power of attorney? Do you need a special power of attorney to sign his/her name on income tax documents or to cash a return check? (Some banks won't cash a government check without a special power of attorney-a general power of attorney won't always do.)
19. Have you and your spouse made wills? Are they kept in a convenient place?
20. Do you know the process for moving your household goods?
21. Are instructions clear on pending family business? Are potential problems identified and potential solutions agreed upon?
22. Do you know where important family documents are?
23. Are insurance policies up to date and safeguarded?
24. Have you given your home a security checkup? Do all windows lock? Do the windows open or are they painted shut? What about door locks? Have you secured the outside buildings? Do you know the combunations or have the keys for those locks? Do you have a spare set of keys for all of your locks?
25. Do you have and know how to test a smoke/CO2 detector? Do you have and know how to operate a fire extinguisher? Is it charged and up to date?
26. Do you know what to do or who to call if something in your home breaks? (Furnace, air conditioner, heater, hot water heater, kitchen appliances, washer and dryer, plumbing.)
27. Do you know where the fuse box or circuit breakers are and ho to change or reset them?
28. Do you know where your water main shut-off valve is located?
29. Has the car's maintenance been discussed? Who will you take it to for repairs?
30. Are auto inspections up to date or instructions left for updating them?
31. Is the base vehicle decal up to date? How about your vehicle(s) registration?
32. If the service member has a separate vehicle, look into lowering insurance premiums.
33. Do you know about your command's spouse support program?
Family Checklist For Deployment
1. Do you know your Ombudsman's/FRG Leaders name and phone number?
2. Do you know your spouse's Social Security number?
3. Are you and your children registered in DEERS?
4. Is the emergency data page in his/her service record current and correct?
5. Is your ID card about to expire? Have you arranged for paperwork for an ID card for any child who will turn 10 years of age before the service member's return?
6. Do you understand the use of medical facilities and TRICARE.
7. Do you understand what the Ombudsman, FRG Leader, Fleet and Family Support Center, Red Cross, Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and Chaplains can do for you and how and when to contact them?
8. Do you have emergency contact numbers posted for quick reference?
9. Have children been included in discussion on where the parent is going, when he/she is coming home and why he/she is leaving?
10. Have you reached an agreementon frequency of letter writing or communication? Do you know your spouse's complete deployed address or email address?
11. Do you, your parents and your in-laws know how to reach you and your spouse in case of an emergency?
12. Have you discussed your feelings on the deployment and your spouse's return?
13. Have you discussed your spouse's feelings on the deployment and his/her return?
14. Have you prepared a comprehensive budget and have you agreed on how much each will spend?
15. Do you have an adequate allotment? Will it cover rent, utilities, grocery needs, bills and other expenditures?
16. Are checking and savings accounts in good order?
17. Are plans made for filing taxes?
18. Have you discussed a power of attorney? Do you need a special power of attorney to sign his/her name on income tax documents or to cash a return check? (Some banks won't cash a government check without a special power of attorney-a general power of attorney won't always do.)
19. Have you and your spouse made wills? Are they kept in a convenient place?
20. Do you know the process for moving your household goods?
21. Are instructions clear on pending family business? Are potential problems identified and potential solutions agreed upon?
22. Do you know where important family documents are?
23. Are insurance policies up to date and safeguarded?
24. Have you given your home a security checkup? Do all windows lock? Do the windows open or are they painted shut? What about door locks? Have you secured the outside buildings? Do you know the combunations or have the keys for those locks? Do you have a spare set of keys for all of your locks?
25. Do you have and know how to test a smoke/CO2 detector? Do you have and know how to operate a fire extinguisher? Is it charged and up to date?
26. Do you know what to do or who to call if something in your home breaks? (Furnace, air conditioner, heater, hot water heater, kitchen appliances, washer and dryer, plumbing.)
27. Do you know where the fuse box or circuit breakers are and ho to change or reset them?
28. Do you know where your water main shut-off valve is located?
29. Has the car's maintenance been discussed? Who will you take it to for repairs?
30. Are auto inspections up to date or instructions left for updating them?
31. Is the base vehicle decal up to date? How about your vehicle(s) registration?
32. If the service member has a separate vehicle, look into lowering insurance premiums.
33. Do you know about your command's spouse support program?
army girlfriend,
army wife,
miliary girls,
military families,
military family,
military girlfriend,
military spouse,
power of attorney
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
The most popular website in the U.S. Military for purchasing tactical gear is the most popular website in the U.S. Military and specifically the Army for purchasing tactical gear, acu uniforms, combat boots, military novelty items, acu patches, military medals, and awards.

dog tags,
online shopping
The Holidays are approaching
I can not believe this year is almost over! I am so glad I've been able to do things I thought I would never be able to do; such as recently hitting a promotion with my work at home business and being able to get over half way done with this deployment. I can not wait to see my husband! I think it gets harder the closer you are to seeing them; you do not know how to make the time pass by any quicker! I can not wait to see my husband; he has been in Afghanistan since this summer and I miss him so much. Between e-mails, letters and phone calls; I am very thankful for that, but nothing beats having him close to me! I am so excited for the day I get to see him and spend time with him. He is probably very ready to be home too I am sure. I think it's wonderful what they do over there to help protect our freedom and the sacrifices they make are outstanding. I can not wait to give him the biggest hug and spend time together. I hit my Regional Sales director promotion with AmeriPlan and I am super excited because I literally work less than 5 hrs a week but being consistent really pays off and I love cashing those paychecks and the daily plus residual income. I also get benefits for my entire household; and they are more than what the military covers; many people use the benefits as their primary source of benefits, however you can use them to save more money as a secondary benefits for your household. Our plans start at only $14.95. In need of affordable benefits for your household; please visit my website at The company is wonderful and the support I have recieved has been fantastic! If you would like to work from home; please contact me at or visit:
As you may know; I sell scentsy now on the side. so that has been so fun!We have so many awesome products; and they are very addicting. They are so safe compared to candles and so much more decorative; if you are in need of an online party to get the products free just contact me so I can set the party up for you. I also do fabulous fundraisers and we make for perfect holiday gifts. My personal website is
Scensty also offers fantastic warmers for teachers, military, firemen, police officers, etc so check out our awesome gifts for the special people who make a huge difference in our lives!
As you may know; I sell scentsy now on the side. so that has been so fun!We have so many awesome products; and they are very addicting. They are so safe compared to candles and so much more decorative; if you are in need of an online party to get the products free just contact me so I can set the party up for you. I also do fabulous fundraisers and we make for perfect holiday gifts. My personal website is
Scensty also offers fantastic warmers for teachers, military, firemen, police officers, etc so check out our awesome gifts for the special people who make a huge difference in our lives!
work at home,
work from home
Monday, November 7, 2011
Simple tips to spice up your love life this week
Simple tips to spice up your love life this week:
- Hand written cards and letters are my absolute favorite way to really make a day brighter. With technology these days; many people do not realize how beautiful a handwritten letter can be. Want to spice it up? Spray your fragrance your significant other loves you to wear
- Getting your favorite photos blown up and hung on the walls; or in an album for the other to keep. I like this idea because you can get a sharpie and write a personal message in the corner or on the back. Photos are memories that last forever and are a constant reminder of a fun memory or good time in your life. Make sure the memory was nice! Sending a hot photo of yourself that your ex girlfriend or ex fiancé took of you probably will not do the trick; therefore, don’t be a narcissist and get one of just you two that you both look good in.
- Make a cd of all their favorite songs or get them an ipod loaded with their favorite songs. Music generally makes everyone happy; but the key point is to make sure you add songs they like. Just because you love rocking out to your favorite techno hits; does not mean your significant other does.
- A surprise for no occasion; you do not have to break the bank with this idea. Great ideas would be cooking a dinner that actually takes a bit more effort; snagging your man tickets to his favorite sports team game, or if you are a man, bringing her home that new pair of stiletto’s she’s been eyeing at the mall or bring her one single rose. One single rose is truly underestimated; I think it’s a simple way to say I love you or “I am thinking of you and stopped to bring you this.” These little things are what gets the other one hot and bothered.
- Spice it up! What does this mean; sick of the same 3 positions? Yes; there are way more than three! Surprise your significant other with a trip to a romance shop or make an appointment with a romance consultant to add bedroom accessories to your intimate life. Many people get the bad idea of these; and thing they may be too hardcore and trashy. Not all bedroom accessories have a woman spread eagle on the box or are whips ‘n cuffs. Perhaps trying some new flavored lube in strawberry or cotton candy, edible body glitter or even some super hot lingerie that shows off your best feautures. Do not like your mid-section? Try a hot corset that shows off your cleavage then. Men can totally have fun with toys without having to get the creepy items as I like to call it such as blow-up down Sally or jenna jameson’s vagina mold. Great ideas for the men would be to try out couple’s toys. Couples toys generally include a cock ring which helps the guy last longer by constricting blood flow; which will be a super treat for her in most cases. My favorite classy adult companies to shop from are; and A must have from both of these companies? Coochy shaving cream. Trust me; this one gets rave reviews and is a top selling product with both companies.
- Have children? Surprise your other half by hiring a sitter for the night and doing something you do not get to do much; like going to a museum or visiting a restaurant you always drive by and want to visit. Make sure you make the outing about you both; and not just about you however. Maybe you pick the restaurant and they pick the desert location. Regardless; just getting out alone together unexpected is a super pleasant surprise.
- No cellphone zone: Agree on a certain day of the week where you only anwser your phones for emergencies; turn off your phones, laptops and just spend quiet time alone! This is great because you can actually be creative of things to do instead of paying more attention to what's going on with your favorite social networking site or which one of your friends is uploading photos from their drunken weekend. You can use the night to talk, play games or rent a movie together.
Follow me on twitter: @modernarmywife
What you need to know to work from home
I always knew I was a total business-woman; and I always dreamt of having a fabuous career while being a "domestic diva,'' as a call it. That is why when I found my home-based business; I knew I was onto something big. I always heard that home business and/or home jobs were all scams or "get-rich quick schemes.'' Luckilly; I always had a mind of my own and realized that usually people call something a scam; that they failed at. That does not mean it's a scam; it means that perhaps they were either not disciplined enough, they weren't passionate about the company enough; or maybe they did not get the correct training needed. Regardless; I searched for over 5 years until I found something perfect. My home career is much more than financial freedom for me; sure I will never have to worry about paying close to two-hundred dollars a month for daycare or being frustrated in traffic...and I never will miss my deployed soldiers phone calls from being stuck in an office; but those are just some of the perks with an at home opportunity. I feel proud of myself for finding something much more than just working a 9-5 and making someone else rich; I love being able to work in pjs or take off whenever I feel I need to. Being a "business owner,'' sounds pretty nice too.
The first step to finding a great home based career is educating yourself on the difference between a home-based career and a home based business and a home based job. A job will not ask for an upfront fees in most cases and you will be paid a salary or hourly income. Most at home jobs require telemarketing, customer service or cold-calling in most cases; therefore many require a land line. The most common at home scams are things like data entry, medical billing and envelope stuffing. Remember; if you are asked to pay money; it does not always mean a scam; it may be an actual business. If it sounds too good to be true; review the company's ratings on your favorite search engine and get in touch with real people who work with the company. If it sounds to good to be true; it most likely is. An at home business is what I do; with a business there are most likely costs involve; which will be a tax write-off. The start-up fees are usually called 'kits" and usually you will find things like brochures, samples, catalogs and business supplies included. Most home businesses are in the party plan line of work. My home business is actually service based; and the start-up fee was very minimum but it supplies you with all the tools you need to work at home. Businesses are not paid an hourly pay or salary; you are pretty much responsible for getting your own customers, marketing your business and generating your own leads and income. Usually; you are assigned a sponsor or can pick your own sponsor. Make sure you pick someone with much experience and who is recommmended at least to be a good sponsor; it is important I believe to find a sponsor and/or team that will provide you with advice and ongoing training and support. After all; your sponsor generally makes a team building bonus for his or her recruiting efforts; so you would want one who really trains their team well. A huge problem with new business owners in the direct sale industry especially failing is due to not knowing where to start and not feeling important. Truthfully; many people join home based businesses to also be apart of a team. Keep in mind; not all home based businesses will have teams; especially if they are new; but most will, especially in the party plan or direct sales business. Unsure of the perfect sponsor? Make sure to call corporate and ask or research the company's recruiting website, DVDs, or tools to see the leaders presented. Make sure you reach out to your sponsor and ask to join their team newsletters, online groups and so on.
What to look for in a work at home opportunity? This is a common question; first you will want to check your Better Business Bureau. I would always at least go with a company that has an A rating. Do not get too worried or skeptical if a company has complaints; many million dollar businesses will...keep in mind no company can make everyone happy. Pay attention to see if the complaints were resolved; that is most important in my opinion; the company's customer service and follow-up skills. If a company says not accreditated; keep in mind that just means they are not paying the fee to the BBB to be accrediated. That does not necessarily mean that the company is nto legit. Other options you can for research are asking the company's credentials, length of time in business and if they are debt-free. Those things are important; sometimes ground-floor opportunties are great; but if you are like me, you would want something that is proven to work. Many new businesses I joined in the past ended up going out of business within a few years of being established. Just because a company has been in business a long time does not mean it is saturated; there is always room for more I believe. Look at companies like Avon and Mary Kay. Sure; they have tons of active consultant; yet they still have many ladies still reaching high success rates. A few things that really stood out to me with the company I chose was their length in business, the fact they were debt-free, their high ratings with the BBB and US Chamber of Commerce and the fact they were featured in many high profile magazines and on various reliable television sources. With whichever company you go with; especially a business, make sure you are truly passionate about the products. Do not care about fitness and health? Then you probably should not sell vitamins or weight loss products; which are seeming to be very popular these days among my friends. Just beause you heard of a friend who is doing wonderful with the company; does not mean you will not get bored fast and never try or get started with the company. Find something that you love or that you would buy or be a customer with. For me; health and helping people were important to me. I did not want to sell products and I wanted something 100% at home. My company allows me to do everything from home; I am great with marketing and I am just responding to people's requests. I get the office job feel but without having to sell products. It was the best of both world's for me and totally is the genre of work that I enjoy and am good with. Of course there are women and men who are doing wonderful selling cooking products; however, that just was not something I was very passionate about being I hate to cook.
Getting started is the most exciting part! Found your new opportunity? Time to market yourself; you do not have to sell or market to just your friends and family. Advertise your business with every high traffice social media site and free advertising site you can find. Once you start earning money; you can consider placing ads on high volume blogs and websites. In direct sales? Contact local schools or venues and participate in upcoming craft shows or vendor fairs. You can even have your own launch party to get your business name out in the open. The key is being consistent. Success will not come overnight; however you can always count on hard work paying off because just because one person may not be interested; they may have tons of family interested and you may get business where you least expect it. Marketing is a key tool to your business success and you will also enjoy many tax write offs such as things like mileage, internet, phone and more.
With the new year approaching soon; it is a perfect opportunity to start your own home-based business! Good luck!
Home business resources:
The first step to finding a great home based career is educating yourself on the difference between a home-based career and a home based business and a home based job. A job will not ask for an upfront fees in most cases and you will be paid a salary or hourly income. Most at home jobs require telemarketing, customer service or cold-calling in most cases; therefore many require a land line. The most common at home scams are things like data entry, medical billing and envelope stuffing. Remember; if you are asked to pay money; it does not always mean a scam; it may be an actual business. If it sounds too good to be true; review the company's ratings on your favorite search engine and get in touch with real people who work with the company. If it sounds to good to be true; it most likely is. An at home business is what I do; with a business there are most likely costs involve; which will be a tax write-off. The start-up fees are usually called 'kits" and usually you will find things like brochures, samples, catalogs and business supplies included. Most home businesses are in the party plan line of work. My home business is actually service based; and the start-up fee was very minimum but it supplies you with all the tools you need to work at home. Businesses are not paid an hourly pay or salary; you are pretty much responsible for getting your own customers, marketing your business and generating your own leads and income. Usually; you are assigned a sponsor or can pick your own sponsor. Make sure you pick someone with much experience and who is recommmended at least to be a good sponsor; it is important I believe to find a sponsor and/or team that will provide you with advice and ongoing training and support. After all; your sponsor generally makes a team building bonus for his or her recruiting efforts; so you would want one who really trains their team well. A huge problem with new business owners in the direct sale industry especially failing is due to not knowing where to start and not feeling important. Truthfully; many people join home based businesses to also be apart of a team. Keep in mind; not all home based businesses will have teams; especially if they are new; but most will, especially in the party plan or direct sales business. Unsure of the perfect sponsor? Make sure to call corporate and ask or research the company's recruiting website, DVDs, or tools to see the leaders presented. Make sure you reach out to your sponsor and ask to join their team newsletters, online groups and so on.
What to look for in a work at home opportunity? This is a common question; first you will want to check your Better Business Bureau. I would always at least go with a company that has an A rating. Do not get too worried or skeptical if a company has complaints; many million dollar businesses will...keep in mind no company can make everyone happy. Pay attention to see if the complaints were resolved; that is most important in my opinion; the company's customer service and follow-up skills. If a company says not accreditated; keep in mind that just means they are not paying the fee to the BBB to be accrediated. That does not necessarily mean that the company is nto legit. Other options you can for research are asking the company's credentials, length of time in business and if they are debt-free. Those things are important; sometimes ground-floor opportunties are great; but if you are like me, you would want something that is proven to work. Many new businesses I joined in the past ended up going out of business within a few years of being established. Just because a company has been in business a long time does not mean it is saturated; there is always room for more I believe. Look at companies like Avon and Mary Kay. Sure; they have tons of active consultant; yet they still have many ladies still reaching high success rates. A few things that really stood out to me with the company I chose was their length in business, the fact they were debt-free, their high ratings with the BBB and US Chamber of Commerce and the fact they were featured in many high profile magazines and on various reliable television sources. With whichever company you go with; especially a business, make sure you are truly passionate about the products. Do not care about fitness and health? Then you probably should not sell vitamins or weight loss products; which are seeming to be very popular these days among my friends. Just beause you heard of a friend who is doing wonderful with the company; does not mean you will not get bored fast and never try or get started with the company. Find something that you love or that you would buy or be a customer with. For me; health and helping people were important to me. I did not want to sell products and I wanted something 100% at home. My company allows me to do everything from home; I am great with marketing and I am just responding to people's requests. I get the office job feel but without having to sell products. It was the best of both world's for me and totally is the genre of work that I enjoy and am good with. Of course there are women and men who are doing wonderful selling cooking products; however, that just was not something I was very passionate about being I hate to cook.
Getting started is the most exciting part! Found your new opportunity? Time to market yourself; you do not have to sell or market to just your friends and family. Advertise your business with every high traffice social media site and free advertising site you can find. Once you start earning money; you can consider placing ads on high volume blogs and websites. In direct sales? Contact local schools or venues and participate in upcoming craft shows or vendor fairs. You can even have your own launch party to get your business name out in the open. The key is being consistent. Success will not come overnight; however you can always count on hard work paying off because just because one person may not be interested; they may have tons of family interested and you may get business where you least expect it. Marketing is a key tool to your business success and you will also enjoy many tax write offs such as things like mileage, internet, phone and more.
With the new year approaching soon; it is a perfect opportunity to start your own home-based business! Good luck!
Home business resources:
Bringing Home The Troops: 7 Reasons To Date A Military Man | Fox News
Bringing Home The Troops: 7 Reasons To Date A Military Man | Fox News
This is a pretty cute article; I would totally agree with them all. Of course; not everything will apply to each guy; but it's still a cute little read;)
The Life of an Army Wife: How to Decorate Wooden Letter's
The Life of an Army Wife: How to Decorate Wooden Letter's:
These are super cute and a super savvy way to dress up children's bedroom, nurseries or offices to name a few.
Military Spouse? Join my new facebook group!
Join my new facebook group for military spouses. Tons of fun this will be; invite your friends
military spouse? join our fab new facebook group!
military spouse? join our fab new facebook group!
military spouse group,
military spouses
The best reasons I love to work at home
Best reasons to work from home
I feel so blessed to be working from home after so much time I spent looking for great opportunities; I wanted to share my favorite parts of working from home. The list could go on forever; but I wanted to share my absolute favorite key parts.
~ No sitting in traffic! I love not having to rush in traffic or sit in way during rush hour on the way home.
~ Saving tons of money! I do not have to pay for the gas for work, work lunches or coffee, work uniforms or outfits, etc. All of those expenses truly add up!
~ I make money staying home around tax season; the IRS pays home business owners approximately $400 a month. When I work from home; I get to write off things such as internet, cell phone, mileage and much more. One of my team members made $5,100 last tax season!
~ I won’t ever have to put my child in daycare; I will be able to be a stay at home mom and not miss any special moments. Plus; it is so hard finding a childcare facility you can trust or a babysitter you can depend on. I personally would not ever want or trust anyone else taking care of my child; so this is my favorite part.
~ My company offers benefits; much more than my husband’s job offers. We also offer daily pay, residual income, 401K, great training, two separate positions to choose from and more. I’ve been very lucky to find the company I am with.
~ My husband is deployed currently and I was always very worried about missing his phone calls If I had a normal job where I could not have my phone on me or could not talk to him; now I can do what I want and never miss his calls.
~ I get to work in my pjs! Literally! I don’t have to spend an hour rushing to get ready for work; putting on makeup, straightening my hair and so on. I can get dressed whenever I get time and not have to even get out of my pajamas if I do not want to. I love this freedom; this is one of my favorites.
~ Financial freedom; I am working on building my own business…some people are lazy or think it maybe a waste of time; but we are a company almost 20 years old and we are a debt-free company with a service people need. The time will pass by anyhow; and I’d much rather work for myself then waste the time working for someone else. It is such a great accomplishment to know my checks will keep growing each month; and this is my very own business!
~ More than money: Working from home is not just for money with me. It has taught me discipline, internet marketing strategies, and has really given my self-confidence a nice boost. Reaching promotions with my company is great being most jobs really do not reward you for the efforts. Now I get to give myself a raise whenever I need and the work I do truly pays off.
work at home,
work at home business,
work from home
As your all may know I am a scentsy addict; so therefore I sell scentsy on the side from home and it’s a fun business with really awesome products. I have my main home business; and this Is something fun I do on the side and I am having a blast with it. Top reasons to have scentsy wickless candles are because they are so much safer than having open flames and regular candles in your home; especially if you have children and/or pets. Scentsy are so much more decorative looking compared to plain old jar candles. Our candles are food-based; meaning they are safe in case your pet or child would accidently eat them. Of course we would never condone eating these; you just have a peace of mind knowing these are much safer. Regular candles have smoke and can be so dangerous; the other day in my hometown we actually had a earthquake that was rated over 5 on the scale; it literally made things in many people’s homes fall off shelves and made our TV rattle personally. If someone had a candle; it would have fallen and caused a fire most likely. With scentsy; you will not have those problems! Please visit my personal website to shop, host a home or online party, book a fundraiser or join my scentsy team. We also have holiday items and children’s items such as our scentsy buddy:
work at home business,
work at home career
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Great facebook group for military wives
Please join my facebook group for military wives! Great way to meet other wives, chat and have fun discussions
military girls,
military spouse,
military support
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