Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Great Military Spouse groups, websites and forums

I would like to share fabulous online military spouse groups that I've been so fortunate to be apart of. It is so nice to feel like you are not alone and we have so much fun discussing the pros and cons of military life, deployment, our soldiers and more. The groups are great and have really given me some light on many things; it is nice to meet other ladies; even if they are stationed in Germany or I find out they're local. Thank gosh for the internet! Here are some great military groups, forms and websites dedicated for the spouses; and some for the girlfriends or fiances :)     *This one is fab because they have a newsletter that I get via email approximately weekly, a forum that is somewhat active...but best of all a military spouse magazine; which is super cool because you can get it online if you're a "green gal" or you can get it via mail, of course. Really neat to know there's a magazine dedicated to us "mil spouses." One of my favorite features it Brittany Barlow's deployment diaries; I've talked to her on twitter and facebook; and thanked her so much for those weekly videos she makes, she is such a doll! Really nice to know she dedicates her time to give us some ideas, tips and comfort during deployments.    Oldie but goodie - More of a "resource" site in my opinion.

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